Wholesale Nursery News


March Newsletter

Where did all the plants go?  This has most certainly been the question of the month.  It is well known that T-Y is deep in the wholesale trade so we typically experience the Spring rush early.  And truth be told, the year is off to a great start.  We have already started to run low on key items & the production crews are diligently planting to replenish blocks that sold out early.  Luckily for us, Southern California provides an extended growing season so we are able to bounce back quickly.  In fact we have been known to turn 3-4 crops a year on certain items.  From the way things have been going so far, this could very well be one of those years where so long as the plant is rooted it is desirable.  Now for those of you waiting to place orders for Spring, I highly recommend getting your orders in while we still have product that is up to size.  That being said, this month’s lineup is not as extensive as I would have hoped but we must remember it is February so the selection is not as vast this time of the year.  Cassias are in full bloom though & they are very full as well.  February is also a great month for Vinca minor…  plants are blooming & spilling over the cans.  Our first attempt at Rosemary Cones was quite successful… depending on how fast we sell through this batch will determine if it is an item worth growing again.  Anyways, there are some more items worth checking out below.  As usual, shoot me an email or give me a call if you have any questions.  We hope y’all are as optimistic about the future as we are, we are certainly preparing for a busy year…  Cheers!


Callistemon lanceolatus Cassia artemisioides Cassia nemophila Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Forsythia intermedia 'Spring Glory' Rhaphiolepis indica 'Rosea Dwarf' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Tuscan Blue' Cone Vinca minor Yucca recurvifolia (pendula)