Alyogyne huegelii
Blue Hibiscus
- Category: Drought Tolerant, Woody Ornamentals
- Mature Height: 5-10'
- Mature Width: 5-8'
- Light Requirements: Full Sun
- Water Requirements: Low water needs once established
- Hardiness Zones: 10, 11, 9
If you’re looking for a beautiful shrubs that blooms almost continuously, Alyogyne huegelii, also commonly referred to as Blue Hibiscus, will serve nicely. This evergreen shrub is fast growing, low-maintenance and always in bloom. Plants produce dark green leaves and large flowers in shades of purple, pink and white, depending on variety. Flowers resemble those of rose of Sharon and other hibiscus relatives. It is hardy, adaptable and drought tolerant once established. It’s quite tolerant of a variety of soils, including sandy, loamy or clay composition. Just be sure to provide good drainage, as plants don’t tolerate “wet feet”. When newly planted, blue hibiscus will require a bit of supplemental water to get established. Plants are quite drought tolerant once established. Take care when planting in areas that receive regular irrigation; good drainage is a must in these situations. Plants can get a bit leggy at the bottom as they mature and may require selective pruning to retain a denser growth habit and produce more flowers. Grow in the landscape or in containers. Plants are sensitive to excess Phosphorus so take care not to over-fertilize with synthetic products. Excellent pollinator plant; the bees love it!
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