Wholesale Nursery News


A Native that Fills the Gap

Not every landscape is created with the intent of being a highly managed space. As native plants become more and more important to sustaining the local eco-system, designers and homeowners alike are looking for native plants that can better support the birds and the bees. Plants for habitat gardens and prairie plantings are in high demand.

Research has shown that when you plant native plants, native wildlife responds positively. Your local pollinators are better suited to foraging from plants native to their area; you can actually boost pollination in your own garden by feeding your local pollinators with the right plants.

Plants that go into native or prairie plantings obviously have to be low-maintenance and require little supplemental water in order to thrive. That’s another great reason that planting natives is good for the eco-system. A favorite habitat plant of ours that is not only native, but also stunning beautiful, is Cleveland sage. This California native is an aromatic evergreen perennial that flowers profusely starting in spring. Plants continue blooming through the summer months. Foliage is gray-green in color and aromatic. The soft blue flowers develop on stalks, in sets of three, and open in stages. The flowers are irresistible to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. By planting Cleveland sage, you can attract a profusion of pollinators to your vegetable garden or fruit orchard.

Cleveland sage grows into a small shrub that fits perfectly into a sunny prairie garden setting. Be sure to place this sage away from areas that receive extra irrigation. Plants are very sensitive to overwatering. Other than perhaps cutting plants back in the winter, Cleveland sage requires little care or water to thrive.

Cleveland sage is the perfect native prairie plant to feature this spring for landscape designers and home gardeners